I am a big advocate of sleeping with a crystal under your pillow. Sometimes it helps to ease into sleep, or to help have prophetic dreams, help with night time meditation, or sometimes they simply help me sleep deeper. Whatever your reasons are, once you start, you wont’ be able to stop.
I have a few that I enjoy sleeping with and some that I cannot be near. This is my list.
Amethyst: This, for me, is my all time favorite crystals. Not only because it;s color is so stunning but because it always comes through with it’s intention. This stone encourages a sort of spiritual wakefulness. It gently touches the spirit and calls forth insight into spirituality. Its a beautiful stone for meditation, helping attain peace and to connect with the spirit realm. It is one of the best stones for the Third Eye (6th Chakra) and Crown (7th Chakra).

It aids in over coming addictions and bad habits along with curbing over indulgence (yeah, I’m talking about that extra glass at wine at dinner too!). This crystal also helps in overcoming nightmares, BUT…**Big BUT**, when you purchase an Amethyst crystal make sure you cleanse it before using it (You can learn how HERE). I made the mistake of purchasing a crystal in Otavalo, Quito from a traveling vendor and used it that same night. The nightmares began almost immediately. It took me a week to register that it was the crystal. Once I cleansed it, it was pretty awesome. Great sleep with zero nightmares, plus the added benefit of some beautiful dreams.

Rose Quartz: Oh, I do enjoy the soft healing energy of rose quartz. Sort of like a balm for your emotions and your spirit, it exudes loving energy and soothing vibrations. This is a wonderful stone for relaxing sleep. Rose Quartz is great for calming and cleansing the entire auric field. This top choice for crystal lovers. Oh, did I mention its a great stress and tension reliever. I enjoy carrying a rose quartz pendant through out my day to relive any undesirable tension. Placing Rose Quartz around your house also helps increase the vibrational energy of your home. It’s pretty awesome. If you are first starting to learn about crystals or giving them a try, I recommend this piece. Always loving and positive.

Clear Quartz is another great crystal. One of the biggest reasons is because of its versatility. You can program Clear Quartz with whatever intention you have in mind. If you program it with the intention of soothing sleep, prophetic dreams, restorative energy, whatever you have in mind, this is the crystal for you. Crystal Quartz is wonderful for chakra opening as well. Clear Quartz works wells with other crystals by amplifying their energies. Amazing no? Have a Clear Quartz hanging around? After a good cleanse, meditate with it and fill it with whatever intention you’d like and place it under your pillow and then, voila, sweet dreams.

What is a stone that I don’t enjoy? Hands down it’s Black Tourmaline. What happened? Imagine not sleeping for 3 days in a row and then taking a 10 minute nap. That exhausting is what I felt after sleeping with it for 2 days. I could not keep my eyes open. It was a very intense experience. After some research I’ve discovered other crystals lovers with the same experience. Black tourmaline is a very strong grounding store as well a stone for psychic protection. It is a great stone for auric cleanising as wells a good stone to get rid of negative thoughts, but no, I could not handle it. Many said in order to reap the benefits of black tourmaline but without the yucky feeling afterwards, to couple it with Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz softens the energies of other stones, making it more tolerable (if you are sensitive to them of course).
There you have it, a list of my all time favorite (and not so favorite) crystals to sleep with. I would love to share yours and here your experiences. Sound off below and let me hear you.
Love and Light,