We are Remember Love…HI!

Welcome to the first ever post for www.RememberLoveJewelry.com. I can honestly say, I am EXCITED for what is to come.

I thought as a great way to start this website-adventure, I can tell you a little bit about what we are about and who I am.

wedding 2
One of the happiest moments of my life.

My name is Michelle M. I am the owner, designer and finder of all the beautiful crystals you see on this website. From an early age I’ve had a love and an affinity towards all crystals and minerals. I checked out books from the library (You know, before the invention of the internet), and researched all the healing effects of crystals, how they worked, where you can get them. I needed to know EVERYTHING! I would dig in my back yard hoping to be blessed with a quartz in Miami. Although, all I would find was limestone…still cool though.

Fast forward to 2009 and I got married to my spectacular husband and moved to the Prague, Czech Republic. If you don’t know, the Czech Republic is home to some of the most spectacular man-made crystal beads. Swarovski

everywhere and one of a kind beads. This was a great place for me to start making jewelry. It was amazing how quickly I picked up techniques and learned how to make jewelry. I stocked up, but I always felt something was missing in my work. Yes it was pretty, but where was the soul?

In 2012 I gave birth to my gorgeous daughter. My business? It took a back seat…way in the back.

My growing family in Quito.

In 2014, the bug bit…HARD. I was itching and my husband had set up a nice corner desk for me. He blessed me with the green light to pursue my passion head on. Now living in Quito, Ecuador, I was inspired by the colors and nature and everything earth. A trip to a local market reignited my crystal flame. A whole stall filled with gemstone beads, Quarts, Amethyst, Garnet, Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Malachite…I…I fell in love. I picked up a few pieces and quickly went to work.

My talented sister in law was the next key in my journey. She encouraged me to follow my dreams and create my jewelry with crystals and spread the crystal healing all over the world. She took a big step for me and she created my logo (Check her out. She is amazing. www.PaperYarnMoon.com). I was official. Remember Love Jewelry was re-done with love and support and here we are.

Remember Love creates jewelry with passion and love. We specialize in jewelry created for crystal healing and meditation. I love what I do and every piece is made by hand, gemstone with gemstone, bead by bead and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thank you for taking the journey with me and love that you are here with us.

Until next time.

Love and Light ,

Michelle M.Ā 

Amethyst Gold 10
One of our druzy Amethyst necklaces