Quick Update on our Status

I know many have been asking …”Where the heck are you?”

Well, if you are not following us on Instagram (What are you waiting for? @RememberLove) we have had a few major announcements for our shop. To quickly catch you up:

  • We are moving to Abu Dhabi! YES! All of our friend in the UAE, we are coming and we are coming stocked with some amazing pieces. Oh, and yes, we will absolutely still be shipping to the rest of the world, no worries there for our current clients, we are still 100% available to you.
  • In the course of our transition, our Shop will be closed, BUT we will have surprise popup sales on our Instagram page along with our Etsy shop, so follow us to keep up to date with our openings.
  • We are no offering Intuitive Crystal Reads. This is something very exciting for us and we hope you love it as well. You can find more information HERE.
  • We are now on SnapChat! What a great way to follow our new adventure. Join us. Our username is RememberLove721. Sometimes we are funny, sometimes we show our creative adventure and other times we just want to say HI, but I promise you a good time always…lol.
  • Make sure you check out our monthly article with Empath Rising.

That’s it for now. Thank you for always being with us. I personally hope to be moreĀ active with our blogs. See you next time.

Love and Light,

Michelle M.