Mantra Monday 9.18.2017

Good Morning!

I hope your Monday is off to a great start.

I know we haven’t done Mantra Monday in a bit and that’s because a lot is going on. My daughter started school, I’ve been working on the business side of Remember Love a lot more (stuff that is not that fun) and I’ve been focusing on adding more inventory to our shops. So, if you have missed me as much as I’ve missed you, I’m sorry. We are back though so let’s jump right in.

This weeks Mantra is pretty special and if you look at it from a spiritual perspective, pretty heavy. I do believe that we are all here with special gifts, these gifts are special that they make our souls literally sing with joy. I also believe that sometimes we get caught up in this game of being human that we either suppress our own gifts, or they get suppressed by others. Part of my belief system is that we can get back to our gifts with just a little bit of effort, and it is with these gifts that we can add our light to this world (and let me tell you, we are in DESPERATE need of YOUR light!).

Working out what moves you is sometimes pretty easy, other times maybe a bit more difficult to uncover, so, my advice, whatever you LOVE doing, I mean REALLY love, do more of that and do it well. Love sewing, sew for your friends, your neighbors, your family. Feel at peace at the beach, share that experience with your loved ones. SHARE IT! SHARE YOUR LIGHT and others will share their light with you.

My purpose? I feel at my absolutely highest when I help others. When I can genuinely make you feel better, even if its just for a bit, that is when I feel good. Working with my crystals and personally packing up my jewelry and sending them out with a little gift, knowing that when it arrives its going to be magic…yeah, just thinking about it makes me happy.

So do more of what you LOVE. Share more of your LIGHT! I am Devoted to my Soul’s Purpose and Passion.

Thank you Didi over at PaperYarnMoon for putting our prints into magic. If you love this weeks Mantra, you can purchase a print HERE.