Good Morning to you all and Happy Monday. As you know, its our Mantra Monday and I cannot wait to share it with you.

This is a great one and one I have been working on this past month and quite possibly the next. It’s all about letting things go that no longer serve me. Its all about quitting cords and ties that are of zero benefit to you and quite possibly even deplete you.

Cutting ties is sometimes easier said than done. Trust me, I am the queen of holding on to things, from clothes that I swear I will fit into by summer, to emails from retailers that have discount codes that I maybe will use later, acquaintances on FB that I really don’t talk to, and I also may be guilty of holding on to a LOT of crystals (but I’m not counting those…you can’t have too many crystals!)

But serisoulsy, do I need to hold on to so many friends on FB? Some even include ex boyfriends that I remained friendly with but literally NEVER talked to, not even the occasional like on the picture. So why do I have these people? Because sometimes I have trouble letting go. Why? I really don’t know. Perhaps it has to do with my childhood and growing up poor. I’m not sure but I do know that it is time to let go. Remove the junk, all the extra that no longer serve me. Get rid of clothes that I no longer wear and the biggest one is to STOP holding space for people that don’t deserve it because it brings down on your own vibrations. We have to remember to love ourselves.

So, what is our Mantra this week? “The more I let go, the better I feel” and boy do you ever. Release all the old that doesn’t serve you and stop holding space for the junk.

One thing you can do for those strong emotional cords that connect you to people you no longer wish to be attached to (trust me, the connection works both ways), imagine a physical cord connecting you and this person and imagine giant scissors cutting these cords and releasing this bond. If you need to physically use your fingers and pretend to cut (I do this), do it! Once you are done, thank the universe AND yourself and take a moment for yourself to replenish. I personally like to take a shower or bath and then have a nice cup of tea, show myself a little love.

As always, thank you Diana over at PaperYarnMoon for the beautiful art work.