Happy New Year, everyone.
We are back and ready to share some crystal beauties (and information of course).
Before we go into our Affirmation for today, we wanted to tell you that we are officially on Periscope. Periscope is live streaming video where I will be sharing information on crystals, their uses and an intents along with doing a few Crystal Oracle reads. It’s super exciting and definitely a new adventure for me. You can finally meet the designer behind the pieces. Our next live broadcast will be tomorrow at 7:00pm EST. Look for us using our handle, @RememberLove721. We will tweet and post and IG pic to announce it before we go live.
Now on to what you came here for…our affirmation for today is a play on the affirmation for the New Year:
“My life is filled with happiness and abundance”–Michelle M.Ā RLJ
Hope you can incorporate this affirmation into your daily meditation this week.
A big THANK YOU to Diana, from PaperYarnMoon for putting our affirmation into a beautiful writing.
I hope I can see all of you tomorrow, live, on Periscope. It’s a great opportunity to ask all your questions and get the answered.
Love and Light,