Mantra Monday 1.18.2016

Beautiful Day to all of you.

Before I go into your Mantra/Affirmation for today, I wanted to share some exciting new announcements.

  • The question that is on our clients lips is, “when does your Etsy shop open?” I know, I know. We’ve been crazy busy finishing up custom orders. We are, however, looking to open January 21st. THAT’S RIGHT!!! It’s only a few days away. It will be a few items to start with but will slowly build up inventory. What does that mean? If you see something you like, buy it quick because it may not be there the next day.
  • We are working with Diana over at PaperYarnMoonĀ and creating a comprehensive Chakra, Crystal and Meditation information booklet. Our followers will get a sneak peek of the information via our Periscope broadcast (@RememberLove721). Stay Tuned!
  • And finally, we are so over the moon excited to pair up with Dana over at Empath Rising. We will have a segment called “For Crystal Sake” in their wonderful newsletter. She has great information for Empaths, or Sensitives, and their journey of Self-Discovery. Go sign up to her newsletter, learn a bit more about crystalsĀ but most importantly, empaths.For Crystal Sake

Now, here is your mantra/affirmation for today.

“I have the Power to Change My Destiny”–RLJ Michelle M.Ā 

Embrace your journey and know that you can change your path. You can choose happiness, right now, right this instance. Take control of your life, grab that mother fudging steering wheel and freaking drive that mofo!

As always, the beautiful Diana at PaperYarnMoon has designed our affirmation to paper and we LOVE it. Enjoy and feel free to share.

MM 1.18

Love and Light,
