Mantra for Welcoming 2016

2016 is right around the corner and I am so excited to see what the new year has to offer us.

Exciting things are happening here at Remember Love Jewelry but won’t be able to share until much later in the year. Shhhh….

As we say good bye to another year, I want us to take the opportunity to say “Thank you” for all the things we are grateful for from the previous year and thank you for the life lessons. As we enter a new year, let us take a moment and say thank you for all that is coming our way.

During your meditations this week, we can include a mantra that encompasses our gratitude for what we have receive and an acknowledgment of  an open heart to accept what will be coming our way.

“My heart is filled with gratitude for all that has been provided to me by the universe. My heart will remain open and ready to receive the gifts that are coming my way. ” –Michelle M. RLJ

I will be reciting this affirmation this week (and probably next), during my meditations.

I hope 2016 will bring you blessings, abundance and peace.

Love and Light always.