Blue Moon Tonight

I cannot let the day pass without telling you tonight is a Blue Moon. These things happen …well…once in a Blue Moon…HA!

What can you do with a Blue Moon? Well, so much! Here is a small list of all the ways you can use the moon to your advantage:

  • Charge and cleanse your crystals and crystal jewelry.. Put them outside or on a window where the moon light will bath them. This is my number one to do. Gives your crystals a blissful feel.
  • Collect moon water. Place a container with water outside where the moon light reaches it. Moon water can be used for pretty much anything. Water with higher vibrations is good to spray around your home to raise the energy (get rid of all the yucky stuff). Its awesome to put a couple of drops into your bath, great for cleansing water friendly crystals. Also nice for your indoor plants who need extra love. Ā If you can use water, you can use moon water. Tip: Add a little crystal in the container for some added benefits. I like to put in a rose quartz and a bit of lavender oil and put it in a spray bottle. I spray those good vibes all over my work desk and all over my home.
  • Have a Moon Ritual. Yes. Call me crazy but getting a few people together to participate in a moon ritual is a beautiful energy buzz. True Shinning Self has an awesome Full Moon Ritual that you can also perform on your own. This is the one I’ll be doing tonight: Click Here to read.
  • One of my favorite things to do when I lived in Miami was go to the beach during the evening. I would take 2 or 3 of my friends or go solo (not super recommended now since things are a bit crazy out there in the world). I used to go and sit on the sand and soak in all the moons rays and the light reflected on the water. Just thinking about itĀ it sends me back into total bliss. If you have the opportunity to do this, at least once in your life, do it. This is often my happy place when I close my eyes. Tip: Collect some ocean water too for quick cleansing at Selenite White 1home.
  • Meditate tonight. Easy to do. No set up required. Release your negative thoughts and open yourself up.
  • Last but not least, dreaming. I have my best dreams during a full moon. Ask whomever you higher power is, or whatever beings you often speak to (spirit animal, angels, deities) and ask for guidance. I like to remain open and simply say “If there is anything you would like me to know or see, I am open to seeing them in my dreams, even if it’s just to say Hi”.

Love and Light to all. Enjoy the energy of this Blue Moon. I would love to hear your experiences from this evening.



