Good Morning my beautiful souls. As you may have noticed, our Mantra Monday is a bit late this week. **Warning, this blog post is going to get REAL**.

It’s been a pretty hectic week for me personally as I try to balance my home life and business life. I feel sometimes that as I am drowning in laundry, dishes and dog poop (for some reason my doggies have decided to take the living room as their personal toilet) and in between homeschooling my 4 year old (which she is currently practicing writing her letters while I type this) and then somehow remembering to love myself all while showing love to everyone else, sometimes my cup runs dry, so flipping dry. Oh, and did I forget to mention I am working on my official Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher certification. And of course, I worry, I worry how I will be able to get new supplies in when I can’t find the time to post up what I have to sell. Oh yeah, we also moved about a month ago to a new home and you already know the amount of boxes in our home is insane!

Compared to other problems, my shit is easy. I am grateful for the life I live and what I am able to do, but it doesn’t take away that it is tiresome and exhausting at times and that is okay. I always trust that the universe will provide exactly what I need when I need it and this is my affirmation for the week. ” Everything I need comes to me at Exactly the Right Time”.

The universe has definitely blessed me this week with an unexpected financial gift which I am so grateful for and just like that, the supplies that needed to be purchased were ordered. I know its difficult to trust that what you need will be provided for and learning to trust is a challenge in itself but I invite you to give it a try this week and put it out into the universe and ask for exactly what you need.

Now, Ill be off working on some more gooodies while I wait for the dryer and my daughter finishes working on her alphabet.

Thank you Didi over at PaperYarnMoon for our picture this week.

Love and Light always,
