I hope this weekend has been filled with light and awesomeness for all of you.

I wanted to start our Mondays with a special post ( and hopefully every Monday this way). Every Monday I would like to introduce you to a new Mantra. My hopes is that you will find one that you connect with and you can incorporate into your daily practice.

This Monday’s Mantra is : OM BRZEE NAMAHA

What does it mean? This mantra is said to remove financial blockages and opens you to abundance. A meditation for prosperity. Use your Mala Necklace and repeat this chant 108 times, as tradition. Our Etsy shop has a few.

You tube has a few videos with the mantra repeated if you need help.

The amazing Diana over at www.paperyarnmoon.com has designed our Mantra for today, to add some beauty for our Mantra of the week.

Om Brzee


Until next time.

Love and Light,
